DIY Tips and Tricks to Keep Your HVAC System in Top Shape

Whether you live in Williamsville, NY, or any other corner of the world, maintaining your HVAC system is crucial for a comfortable home. As a licensed HVAC and Heating Oil provider, NOCO is committed to ensuring your heating and cooling units run efficiently, but there are some DIY tips you can implement to keep your system in great shape.

Maintain Your Air Filters

One of the simplest yet most effective DIY tasks you can carry out is changing your air filters regularly. A dirty filter can diminish air quality, reduce your system’s efficiency, and hike up your utility bills. We recommend swapping it out for a new one every 30 to 90 days depending on usage.

Additionally, while you can certainly call on NOCO’s skilled technicians to handle this for you, knowing how to replace your furnace or central air filter is a valuable skill. With just a bit of research and trial-and-error, this task can be as straightforward as changing a lightbulb.

Keep Your Outdoor Unit Clear

Though often overlooked, the outdoor unit of your HVAC system requires your attention too. Keep it clear from snow, fallen leaves, and other forms of debris that can impair airflow and cause unnecessary wear and tear.

It’s also a good idea to keep plants and shrubs at a distance of at least two feet from the unit. This not only prevents potential blockages but also provides enough space for servicing and maintenance.

Clean Vents and Registers

Dusty vents and registers can compromise indoor air quality and the efficiency of your air conditioning. Regular cleaning using a soft brush attachment on your vacuum cleaner can help mitigate this problem.

In fact, this simple task can be incorporated into your regular cleaning routine. Remember to be careful when removing and replacing the covers to avoid bending the slats.

Regular Maintenance Checks

While it’s essential to keep your HVAC system clean, unimpeded, and efficient, nothing beats regular professional maintenance. Having a licensed HVAC professional conduct an annual inspection and tune-up extends the life of your system and ensures peak performance.

NOCO – Tonawanda 2440 Sheridan Dr, as a reputable Heating Oil provider, offers scheduled maintenance packages that suit your needs and lifestyle. Contact us today to find out more about our services and how we can help you keep your HVAC system in its best shape.