Aquatic Adventures Near Pool Mart

Embrace the Water-Filled Fun!

After you’ve visited Pool Mart for all your pool and hot tub needs, why not explore the exciting aquatic activities in the surrounding areas? Here are some splashing ideas to make a splash:

Niagara Falls, NY

  • Marvel at the majesty of the Niagara Falls State Park and take the iconic Maid of the Mist boat tour.
  • Enjoy a thrilling whitewater rafting adventure on the Niagara River.

Buffalo, NY

Lake Erie, NY

  • Embark on a fishing charter or enjoy a scenic cruise on Lake Erie.
  • Visit one of the beautiful beaches along the Lake Erie State Park system for swimming, sunbathing, and picnicking.

No matter where your aquatic adventures take you, remember to stay safe, hydrated, and have an incredible time!